Thursday, January 6, 2011

Yin-Yang- As I see it

i like the yin-yang
Bharti: who doesnt
me: i find it to be intriguing and an extremely complex concept
it is amazing
if you look far enough there is always the yin-yang that controls it
Bharti: hmmm
temme more
me: as in if you are to believe dan brown, yin yang seems to indicate the opposite sexes and how they complement each other and how they are needed to run the world
but the truth is... there is yin and yang--- presumably the male and the female
but also, there is yin within yang and yang within yin
which makes it extremely interconnected
though a fundamental literal understanding would tell this, yin yang basically syas opposites always co-exist
without a posit, there cannot be an opposite
though this is elementary, there can be no posit without opposite
thats the beauty
so if you look hard enough, you can always find the opposite of a postulation.
going back to the good and the evil thingy,
good within the evil and evil within the good
Bharti: :)
me: same with the male and female.. which was also sorta explained by siva-parvati as a single embodiment in Ardhanari
likewise, light gives shadow and shadow cannot live without the light nor can the revrse happen

me: this is basically what interests me
the concept of contradiction within the space of a single breath or a single entity
and i love it
Bharti: hmmm
me: seems to get your brain wheels turning

the way i see it, a human lives his life inherently and intuitively knowing this
but he does not consciously become aware of it until after going through the different stages of life
we come into the world thinking we are separate- the male and the female
and as time goes we understand hormonal variations
and then we understand people are different again and that men and women think different
as time still moves on, we understand how men think like women and how women think like men
- getting into each others shoes or by just thinking like themselves
Bharti: i so agreee
i ve told u time n again
sex is jus a anatomical diff
me: time passes on and with marriage and procreation and child birth, compassion as a female thing is lost
its a general term for humans

and then you look at other people growing up grappling with the same ideas
and silently laugh at them, cos you know we are all the same... but they are still trying to find themselves out

This post is dedicated to Bharti Kannan, with whom I had this conversation.

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